July Featured Member


Judy began painting with alcohol ink. Initially it was the vibrant pigments that attracted her. She values the magic of colour that this medium provides but it is the unique spontaneity of the ink that now appeals to her the most.

Judy has also been a nature photographer which has developed her Sense of Wonder. This sense of wonder which is a feeling of awakening and awe triggered by the expansion of awareness of what is possible has now been transferred to her art. She states, ” Nature is my muse.”

Her art evokes emotion and life is emotional. About her process she states, ” When I create a piece it depicts what I am feeling, consciously or subconsciously, in that moment. I feel that I need to share it with others and I am always emotional when someone adopts one of my pieces.”

The size of her art pieces are relatively small which gives her a “just in time” sense of accomplishment. She quotes one of her favourite authors, Kyo Maclear, “ …the satisfaction of small Art shows an audacity to aim tiny in an age of big ambitions.”

You can find her on social media – Instagram @bcartistjudyhamilton; Facebook- Judy Hamilton Artwork

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